It was both frosty and foggy last night so there were a lot of ice-crystals in the air. I saw one of the most impressive moon Halo’s I’ve ever seen. The inner circle went right in to the moon and was very bright, then there was a bright redish fringe followed by a dark fringe and then another bright fringe. For more information on Lunar Halo’s have a look here:

I had a look tonight because the weather is similar but th fog is just too thick to see any interesting phenomena.

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When I nipped out to the shop this afternoon I noticed an exceptionally bright sundog to the right of the sun. It was so bright it actually hurt to look at it and there was even a hint of the rainbow colours in it. There was no sign of anything on the other side of the sun.

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Just saw an even more spectacular Rainbow today than the one I observed last weekend. This time I could clearly see the complete secondary bow and Alexander’s dark region between the primary and secondary bows. The secondary bow was also far brighter than last time so the reversal of the colours was even more obvious. I also noticed a number of supernumerary bows which I’d never noticed before.

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I saw an absolutely stunning rainbow on the way from Cavan to Maynooth today. It was complete and vividly bright at both legs. For a while there was also a secondary bow around it and you could clearly see that the colours on the outer bow are in the reverse of the colours of the inner one. If you’re curious as to why that is checkout the section on rainbows at my favorite Atmospheric Optics site. I also saw some amazing Crepuscular rays about half an hour later.

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