This post is part 63 of 92 in the series Programming by Stealth

In this instalment we’ll continue our exploration for forms in Bootstrap, but we’ll zoom right in to just a single form control — the button. In many ways buttons are the single most important form element because they generally act as the trigger for the action the form has been building up to. If you have a form for composing an email, it will be a button that sends the email, if you have a form for entering payment details it will be a button that confirms your payment and finishes the transaction. If you’re just using a form to log in it’s a button that submits your credentials to the server. In short, buttons make forms go, so they’re worth spending a little time on.

Having looked at basic form inputs in the previous instalment, and then buttons in this instalment, we’ll be ready to look at the different options Bootstrap provides for laying out forms beyond the default stacked layout we’ve seen to date.

You can Download this instalment’s ZIP file here.

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This post is part 62 of 92 in the series Programming by Stealth

So far in our exploration of Bootstrap 4 we’ve focused on the kinds of features that are useful when building web pages designed to communicate information — news sites, blogs, corporate websites etc.. There is of course much more out there in the universe of websites, and one of the biggest categories we’ve totally ignored is web apps! All web apps need the ability for the user to interact with them. In other words, all web apps need web forms, and we’ve totally ignored those in our explorations of Bootstrap to date! It’s about time we rectified that, so in this instalment we’ll dip our toes in the ocean of form-related Bootstrap features.

One of the reasons I’ve delayed diving into Bootstrap forms is that it’s almost impossible to know where to begin. Bootstrap provides so many form-related features and options it’s almost overwhelming!

We’ll start our exploration of forms very simply, but bear in mind that what we’ll see today is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

You can Download this instalment’s ZIP file here.

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