This post is part 25 of 92 in the series Programming by Stealth

This instalment is a little unusual – rather than learning new topics, and then demonstrating them with a few simple examples, we’re going to look at a real-world JavaScript API, see how it works, and in so doing, reinforce what we’ve already learned, and expand our knowledge a little.

The library we’ll be examining is bartificer.linkToolkit.jsExternal Link Icon, a small open source library I released over the weekend. This library bundles some functions for manipulating links in HTML documents. The two main functions of the library are to ensure that links with a target of _blank also specify a rel of noopener (for security reasons), and, to automatically make links leading out of the site open in a new tab, and denoting that fact with an icon appended to the end of the links. You can see the library in use right here on this page!

We’ll be looking at the library from three points of view – the actual JavaScript code, the JSDoc comments, and the documentation produced from those comments, and, project management.

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This post is part 36 of 39 in the series Taming the Terminal

The previous 13 instalments in this series related to networking, but we’re going to change tack completely for this instalment, and look at two un-reltaed, but very useful terminal commands – screen, and cron.

screen is a utility that allows for the creation of persistent virtual terminal sessions that you can disconnect from without terminating, and reconnect and pick up where you left off at a later time. screen is particularly useful when used in conjunction with SSH.

cron on the other hand is a system for automatically executing recurring tasks. It’s extremely flexible, and very useful for things like scheduling backups to run in the middle of the night.

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A year and a few months ago I bought my first bone conduction headphones – a pair of Damson HeadbonesExternal Link Icon. I was initially quite happy with them, but they began to develop some quirks that got worse and worse over time. I recently replaced them with a pair of Trekz TitaniumExternal Link Icon bone conduction bluetooth headphones from AfterShokz, and I’m much happier.

Trekz Titanium (Ocean Blue)

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