The Christmas Star (Astro2 December 2015)
Filed Under Science & Astronomy on December 1, 2015 at 9:28 pm
The slides for my talk to Astro2, the Astronomy & Physics society of Maynooth University.
The slides refer to demo scripts. These are scripts for the free and open-source planetarium software Stellarium. You can download the scripts here, and you can get instructions on how to install the scripts into Stellarium on their documentation wiki – specifically, you’ll need the section on file locations, and the section on installing scripts.
[…] When he gives this talk in person, he uses an application called Stellarium to demonstrate the night sky, and some scripts that he wrote that show the rotation and location of the celestial bodies at the time of Jesus’ birth in the city of Bethlehem. You can find links to download his presentation, Stellarium (which is open source and free for all desktop operating systems) and his scripts on his blog: […]
This was absolutely fascinating.
I very much enjoyed your conversation with Allison on Chit Chat Across the Pond, and it most definitely wet my appetite.
Thanks for sharing such a well put together slideshow and scripts for Stellarium.
I look forward to sharing this around. 😀