This is a quick-start guide to using the free and open source Crypt::HSXKPasswd Perl module for generating secure but memorable passwords.

As I write this post the module is not on CPAN yet, and still in beta form. The module can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub page.

This article assumes you have the module installed – you’ll find installation instructions here.

Before we get stuck into some sample code, let’s first summarise the module’s philosophy.

The module is built around the idea of using common words as a kind of lattice around which to build passwords that are long, have a wide coverage of characters, and yet are still memorable. An ideal HSXKPasswd password will contain a mix of upper and lower case letters, some digits, and some symbols.

The module starts building a password by randomly closing a given number of words from a given dictionary. There can then be an optional number of digits added as pseudo words to the front and/or the back of the initial list of words. Next, a symbol can be used to separate the words, and finally a symbol can be used to pad the front and/or back of the password.

Think of it like this:

correct HORSE BATTERY staple
23 correct HORSE BATTERY staple 45

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Until Crypt::HSXKPasswd comes out of beta, I’m not going to upload it to CPAN, so until then, the betas need to be manually installed. You can get the latest release of the library by downloading the appropriate .tar.gz file from GitHub.

For Perl regulars, the process is likely to be familiar, because the module is packaged using the very popular Module::Build. The process is quite straight forward, but there are a few potential pitfalls for the uninitiated.

For quick reference, here are the commands needed to install the module:

perl Build.PL
sudo ./Build installdeps
./Build test
sudo ./Build install

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It’s been a while since I released a new version of, the open source Perl module that powers the secure memorable password generator at The main reason for the big gap is that I needed to learn some new skills to get the code to where I wanted it to be. There were three main problems I wanted solved:

  1. To get wide adoption, the Module needs to be available via CPAN
  2. The module needs unicode support to deal with non-English languages
  3. It needs to be easy to edit and tweak a config with the web interface, and then use it in your scripts.

While solving those problems, I also took the opportunity to tidy up some other odds and ends in the code base. It’s not that code was broken, it just that a few parts of it had a bit of a fishy smell – it seemed like there was probably a better way to do that, and there was!

So, here’s a summary of what’s changed from the the point of view of a user of the Module:

  • The Packaging – the module has a new name, and is now packaged with Module::Build, so it’s easier to install, and ready for distribution via CPAN.
  • Unicode Support – if it’s a unicode character, you can use it while generating passwords.
  • Redesigned Word Sources – more bundled with the module, and easier to create your own.
  • Redesigned Sources of Randomness – more bundled with the module, a better default, and easier to create you own.
  • A switch to Named Arguments (in both the constructor and functional interface).

I’ve put a lot of time and effort into developing this entirely free and open source module. If you find it useful, please consider making a donation:

*Download Beta of Crypt::HSXKPasswd via GitHub*

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This post is part 34 of 39 in the series Taming the Terminal

In the previous instalment we finished a five-part series on SSH. Before moving on, lets take a moment to step back and look at the big-picture. The five SSH instalments are all part of the now long-running series on networking. We have been working our way through the networking stack since instalment 23. We started at the bottom of the stack, and have worked our way up. We are not exploring protocols in the Application Layer.

In this instalment we’re moving on from SSH to HTTP, the protocol that powers the world wide web.

Before we look at some HTTP-related terminal commands, we need a basic understanding of how HTTP works, so that’s what this instalment is all about.

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