As some of you may know I do a weekly slot on the NosillaCastExternal Link Icon with Allison Sheridan, and at some stage I happened to mention that I was thinking of buying a graphics tablet but that that would have to wait because money was tight. Allison had an old Wacom tabled lying around that she hadn’t used in ages and she very kindly dusted it off and posted it to me. Thanks Allison!

Anyhow, the tabled arrived late last week so over the weekend I had a play with it. Among various experiments I re-visted an old image of Connolly’s FollyExternal Link Icon near Maynooth which I shot last year. Applying a much improved version of the Selective Colour technique I described previously on this blog I generated this week’s photo of the week. I’ll be creating a tutorial on this new technique soon because it’s a lot more powerful than the one I described originally. For a start it’s non-destructive, and it also allows for the desaturated areas to be slightly re-saturated so the effect is more subtle and less glaring.

Connolly\'s Folly
Click to EnlargeExternal Link Icon

For those of you interested in such things here are some of the technical details of the original shot:

  • Camera: Nikon D40
  • Lens: Nikon DX AFS 18-55mm (D40 kit lens)
  • Exposure: 1/320 sec
  • Focal Length: 18mm
  • Focal Ratio: F9.0
  • ISO: 200
  • Camera Mode: Auto

The image was processed using the GIMPExternal Link Icon. The black & white conversion was done using the channel mixer, the coloured regions were enhanced with an 80% LAB Colour Boost, and the black & white regions are 10% re-saturated.

[tags]photography, selective colour, Connolly’s Folly, local history, Maynooth, Ireland[/tags]