And Award for the Worst Door-to-Door Canvasing Goes to …
Filed Under Polemics & Politics on May 15, 2007 at 9:25 pm
Well, what with the election being just around the corner the door-step brigade are out in force. I just had Fine Gael at the door and can’t believe their ineptitude. These people sure didn’t leave me with the impression that they had the where-with-all to run the country. Here’s how the exchange went:
Me: So why should I vote for Fine Geal?
Fine Gael: Ah … sure why not?
Me: *stare in amazement*
Had they been able to follow that up with any sort of real answer I wouldn’t mind. But instead they just gave me some literature. When I started asking questions they looked at their copy of the register, realised that only one male was registered to vote in the house, and that he was a Fine Gael member. They then got suspicious and stopped answering us! Instead they then asked to speak to people by name. I pointed out that none of them lived here anymore. They told us we obviously couldn’t vote because we weren’t on the register. I pointed out that all it meant was that we would not be voting in this constituency but they didn’t seem to care. They couldn’t get away quick enough.
All in all a poor show. What makes parties think that sending out plebs with no ability to discuss policies with potential voters around to smile and make small-talk will win votes?
[tags]Ireland, Politics, General Election, Fine Gael[/tags]
In fairness, most of the people going door to door are volunteers – they’re not political hacks nor are they trained or sufficiently informed to talk about policy, Bart.
They just ‘happened’ to be FG this time I bet. Mostly they’re all like that. In fairness if you were canvassing and someone asked you at the doorstep what you intended to do about the EU farm subsidies, what would you say? A TD would have an answer I’d hope, but would a plebe?
That said, these canvassers you had do sound particularly clueless – probably family ‘FG’ people who have voted that way all their life without bothering with policy. There are FF, Labour and PD people just like that too. Not so much Greens I find.
That’s my point really Phil. What’s the point in sending people who don’t know what you stand for around as your representative? If they can’t actually answer questions why are they going out? If it’s just to hand out fliers which we already got in the post it really is a total waste of time!
[…] gets blank looks and directions to the internet cafe. FG canvassers are not up to much as far as Bart is concerned and run off fairly quickly – interesting how canvassers are so light on their feet! But […]
Hmm I do concede that the quality of canvassers is poor indeed. But how would you train thousands of volunteers to basically be ‘spin doctors’?
It seems rather improbable to me. *shrug*
Bit of a derogatory term there calling volunteers “plebs”… not very nice – at least they are out actively doing SOMETHING in the political process – however insignificant you or others might believe it it. It’s great to be an armchair critic and belittle the people out pounding the streets and take a haughty view of what you believe is their lack of knowledge.
Thanks for the comment Alan. Firstly, being a volunteer does not give you immunity to criticism. I volunteer for a whole load of stuff and if I do it really badly I still expect to be told that!
My issue with these people was their attitude. If they can’t even tell you why you should vote for their party then they are wasting their own time as well as everyone who’s door they knock on. What good does it do to have people with nothing to say going round to talk to people!? Also, it’s a pretty poor show that they’ll only talk to people who can vote in their constituency. Bit short sighted and rather silly really!
I’m in complete agreement with yourself Bart. If somebody wants my vote they need to be able to convince me they are worthy of it. I’ve had FG and PD’s people canvassing me who aren’t able to answer a single question for me. That doesn’t inspire confidence. Instead they’d rather give me a sticker saying vote fine gael! give me some tough measures and policies and methods of how they will be brought about and they might earn more respect.
@ Bart :
Of course being a volunteer doesn’t make anyone immune to criticism, but there is a difference between criticism and belittling people by calling them plebs. I’ve never canvassed but if I did, I doubt I would have the time to stand at the door and debte issues if I was ever to have a hope of delivering party literature.
@ Paul M.
I get my information from reading party policy documents, tv/radio/newspapers, candidate websites etc. and make my own decision. I would find it wholly unproductive to start a debate at the doorstep with a party activist (even a well informed one) who is obviously going to put a positive spin on things anyway.
@ Alan:
OK, so what is the point in door-stepping then? An Post can (and DO) deliver all the literature that the door-steppers have to give you. I felt like picking up one of the many FG manifestos that An Post kindly spammed me with and shouting ‘snap’ when the door step brigade produce the same stuff yet again.
If their sole purpose is to deliver documents then why do they ring the door bell? Obviously they are supposed to be there to talk, they just don’t seem to be able to.
Finally, in the grand scheme of things they are party plebs. You seem to read more negativity into the term pleb than I do. I’m a pleb where I work. Most of us are plebs when it comes to the running of this country. I’d like to have the actual candidate call to the door, or at least someone who has something to say!
Door to door canvas I see as a way for the canvasser to listen to any issues the householder has and put the party side of the story forward. In all honesty I think it all depends on how you interact with the canvasser. When you opened the door to the canvasser did you greet them with a happy hello or a scowl? That might give a clue as to how the rest of your exchange went.
I was exceptionally friendly and was actually interested in what they had to say. Unfortunately it turned out they had nothing to say 🙁