Another UnCharactaristic Personal Post – But Good News This Time
Filed Under 42 (Life the Universe & Everything) on April 15, 2007 at 9:08 pm
It’s been an eventful half week. Having gone about two years without feeling the need to post a single personal post now I’m writing a second one in less than a week! The first one was a difficult post to write. Mind you, writing it was very therapeutic so I’m glad I bit the bullet and did it. This one however isn’t hard to write at all, quite the opposite in fact. The short version is that myself and my partner are back together, and back stronger than we were before. In fact, we are now technically engaged.
Sometimes all we need in life is a little perspective. Granted, there are probably easier ways to get some than the hell both of us went through this week, but to be honest we needed a good proverbial kick to the head. We had let a number of really big things just build up and linger in the background, festering, eating away at us, some for years. On top of that we’d built up some small things into big things. End result, compromise seemed impossible.
A few days apart, the pain of separating our things out of our room, and basically actually breaking up were all needed before we could see that actually, there were options, there were alternatives. To cut a very long story short, we got together for the first time since we broke up last night, and we had a long hard talk and worked through all the issues one by one. It was a bloody hard week. It seems like weeks have passed. It feels like weeks have passed. But it was only a few days. We had a lot of things to sort out before we could even think of moving forward. We’ve been able to do that now.
One thing this week really proved to me is that I have the best friends a person could hope for. You were all great. All of you that took time to call over to me, to invite me over for dinner and a movie, to talk to me on ICQ/MSN, to send me nice emails and PMs, and to reply here. Thank you one and all from the bottom of my heart.
Finally, lets hope this is my last personal post for a VERY long time
I thought you looked ridiculously happy when I passed you/ye on the Moyglare rd.
again, as per mikado…
i’m so happy for ya
*more hugs*
Thats great to hear!!
Good stuff!
Congrats…. this mean we all get invites to the wedding? I’ll bring the wine…. come on Alsi €2 wine!
Nice one! Hope it stays on track for ya man :);)
I am very happy for you, thank god you both were able to come to your sense’s and realised how much you mean to each other. god bless you both on your future life.
much love