Welcome to the new home for my Blog
Filed Under Computers & Tech, My Projects on July 31, 2006 at 1:43 am
This is the first post to my new blog since I moved it from www.minds.nuim.ie/~voyager/blog to here. The move has not been a smooth one because I also moved from using the Serendipity blog software to WordPress. ATM all my old posts are here but many have not imported perfectly and all the comments were lost. I’ll be fixing the posts over the next while and I haven’t quite given up on find a way to get the comments across but the changes are it won’t happen.
I still have some work to do here before I get back up to my normal level of posting but from tomorrow on expect to start seeing new posts again.
Why not put a .htaccess redirect for anyone subscribing to your old RSS feed to the new one, thus nothing breaks 🙂
I’m in two minds about what to do with my .htaccess ATM. On the one hand I want the old posts to remain available because they have comments and it’s not looking like I’ll get the comments moved, on the other hand, it would be wonderfully simple to just re-direct the lot.
I’ve just looked at the db structure for wp and serendipty and it shouldnt be too hard to convert your old comments over to wp. Mostly what your doing is just changing the attribute names from one to the other. By far the easiest thing to do would be to use phpmyadmin to export your serendipity comments in csv format.
Open it in powerpoint, reorder the columns to match the order of wps comments. (of course insert/delete to get the data to fit). Save it as csv.
then import the data into the wp comments table.
Should only take 20 min of work.
What about the post ID’s.
Hmm, maybe dabbledb could be used here…
In either case if you get it working Bart, let us know. I reckon you’d be a popular man around the web.